
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Clinic paint job

I just realized that my last post from two weeks ago did not get posted.
I must have closed my browser before it finished uploading or something.
Anyway, as the photos show below the clinic got a new coat of blue paint.
Back in mid April Drs. Pete Forney and Mike Coker were here from Texas.
Dr. Forney is a Gyn and he did a few surgeries in a local hospital and attended
patients in the clinic. Dr. Coker is a vet and he helped me scrape off the old paint
and together with my three oldest children, and Sam, Gillian, and Heather, some current PM interns,
we painted the upstairs and downstairs of the outside. Thanks to the docs for
visiting. Right now we are open for the summer, so if you are a MD and looking
for a fun-filled week at Wichanzau, come on down.