
Saturday, August 9, 2008

Moving again

Next week the Ferguson family will leave us and return to Texas to begin the
next phase of their adventure. They will prepare to become church planters in
Calgary, Alberta Canada. Shortly after we plan to move about 100 yards into
their house; for a few reasons. Their house is bigger, the rent is about the same, and
the landlord seems more reasonable, and the house is more secure. We will miss having
the Fergusons here, but God had his plans for us all.
Last week the Second Pres. team from Greenville, SC was here doing some sanding,
painting, and electrical work at the church in Arevelo. Also a RN named Sharon came and a future nurse? called Maria. They helped us in the clinic some and also two Fridays ago when we went back to the market for another campaign. Below are some photos. Thanks Sharon and Maria and all the folks from Greenville.